Click here for FULL September Gate Fess breakdown
01. Zebra Rovers FC
Zebra Rovers FC gate fee for this month is 2.046 #pepcedes
02. Menace United
Menace United gate fee for this month is 1.5915 #pepdeals
03. CT Allstars
CT Allstars gate fee this month is 1.465 #pepcedes
04. FC Alchemy United
FC Alchemy United gate fee for this month is 0.668 #pepcedes
05. VFB Hezboa
VFB Hezboa gate fee for this month is 0.2 #pepcedes
06. Sweaty FC
Sweaty FC gate fee for this month is 0.031 #pepcedes
07. Stoic City
Stoic City gate fee for this month is 0.024 #pepcedes
08. AFC Total Wanderers
AFC Total Wanderers gate fee for this month is 0.0135 #pepcedes
09. Genesis FC
Genesis FC gate fee for this month is 0.008 #pepcedes
10. AFC Beast
AFC Beast gate fee for this month is 0.004 #pepcedes
11. InterYaNan FC
04. FC Alchemy United
FC Alchemy United gate fee for this month is 0.668 #pepcedes
05. VFB Hezboa
VFB Hezboa gate fee for this month is 0.2 #pepcedes
06. Sweaty FC
Sweaty FC gate fee for this month is 0.031 #pepcedes
07. Stoic City
Stoic City gate fee for this month is 0.024 #pepcedes
08. AFC Total Wanderers
AFC Total Wanderers gate fee for this month is 0.0135 #pepcedes
09. Genesis FC
Genesis FC gate fee for this month is 0.008 #pepcedes
10. AFC Beast
AFC Beast gate fee for this month is 0.004 #pepcedes
11. InterYaNan FC
Interyanan FC gate fee this month is 0.0035 #pepcedes
12. Porcupine Warriors
VFB Hezboa gate fee for this month is 0.002 #pepcedes
12. Smokes Squad
Smoke Squad gate fee for this month is 0.0015 #pepcedes
12. Porcupine Warriors
VFB Hezboa gate fee for this month is 0.002 #pepcedes
12. Smokes Squad
Smoke Squad gate fee for this month is 0.0015 #pepcedes
13. Telford Tigers
Telford Tigers gate fee for this month is 0.001 #pepcedes
15. Corpse FC
Corpse FC gate fee for this month is -0.0425 #pepcedes
16. Gully Reapers
Gully Reapers gate fee for this month is -0.0015 #pepcedes

The publisher will can either receive £5 or have 11pepcedis credited to his #pepcedes balance, Congratulations!
Rules & Conditions
1. The winning vid can have anything from 1 view up 1,000,000+ so long as it was the most viewed video on the channel of the month!
2. As always YOU must place the video in the relevant playlist for it to be seen and counted.
3. The video MUST be football related.